(Usually when one of my friends spend the night we talk while we are lying in our sleeping bags.) One of the sleep overs Tim and I had, we were just setting up our sleeping bags, when Tim asked me who I liked? I thought for a moment but then decided I needed a bit more time before I gave my answer, so I promised Tim that if he went and brushed his teeth, it would give me enough time to figure out who I liked. Well it seemed like forever since he left.... The next day when I had awakened and sat up, I looked over to were my friend was sleeping to see if he was awake. When I turned in my sleeping bag to check I found out he was just sitting there staring at me, I asked him what happened last night and why he didn't come back from brushing his teeth? He said that in the "five minuets" it took for him to brush and get back, I had already fallen asleep, and he didn't want to wake me, so he just lamely crawled into his own bed wondering who I liked all night.