Thursday, April 19, 2012

This Is So Me.

So... I'm super embarrassed.... the main reason why I stopped posting was that.... I lost MY PASSWORD-ish-ish type of thing... Yeah. =( haha.. And basically I simply forgot about my blog.. lol I'm pretty sure it's been like 3 years since I had last posted but lately I've been wanting to express myself? Most people have talents of Musically inclined, Artistic, Theatrical, Pure Genius at modern technology (video editing/Cp programing.. ect..). Sure I might be apt to the previously mentioned, however not to the point of being myself? So I'll open the can of beans and share with you, (whom ever you are) all about who I am. 
I'm Robert Fitzgerald Henke!

Okay here's a tug of the ear... I'm a bit lazy. Not that I don't work, in fact when I do work I'm a pure Cowboy To-boot! It's more along the line of myself getting.. Oh I don't know, distracted?  Like most days right before I go to bed I tell myself. "Robert! Quit robbing your amazing youth. I mean it, a boy of your quality isn't to be wasted away of day dreams and.. *ugh hum..* video games/movies/series. It's as bad as" "sin on Sunday" 

Usually when I start feeling like that.. It's because I had just talked to some SUPER IMMORTAL being 
spending every minute of their day towards, Dreams, Education and plenty more. Sure I've been able to accomplish a few things- I received my Eagle Scout award, (YE-AH! MAN) Graduated at one of the tipsy top(s) of my small private school.

I always feel like people don't really know me..? Which is probably true, because I don't understand myself  most of the time... What I do Know (You're going to have to take my word on this.) I'M ONE COOL GUY and sometimes pretty slick... depending what we're doing of course.
You might get the impression that I'm a quiet/shy guy but I can talk your ear off, once I get use to you. So be careful. The shyness is mostly out of not wanting to do something unrepresentable or I'm afraid of getting to rowdy.

Another thing to know is that if you talk gangsta/wangtsa to me... I shut off. I literally can't think of something to say back. I think that's more of a.. Public Schooled/ modern child of 2000 thing. I'm not that child. My ideal look/attitude (When I'm not acting goofy) would be one of those guys you see in the old movies like.. My Fair Lady. Wearing a Tux/Suit and  Waltzing with a beautiful lady-YEP that's my kind of thing! 

One of my favorite things to do is to act extreme MACHO-ness in front of my siblings (For your knowledge I don't even act like this with my guy friends.) I just do it mainly in front of my sisters because it makes them laugh. I love making them feel good either by my own blunders or silliness, if I can make them laugh then I don't care. I love my sisters so much! When I get either a compliment from one of them or a "Robert, you crack me up" I feel like I am complementing my life with sugar and spice. Pure joy. (If I act like that in front of you, feel honored' It's a rarity.)

 I'm also all about appearances. I like things to be perfect. Example: I always have to have the date planned out to the T (When, where, what time it takes to get to each place.) before, I ask the girl. Even then.. I usually go scout out the route the day before the date. Sometimes I wish I could put that insane planning into my every day life. Sigh.. like my bedroom. I'm one of those people who has a pile for everything and knows what exactly is in each of the piles. It works...! To some degree... but doesn't look as good as a tidy room. 

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