Friday, April 20, 2012

Ambition of speaking.

I think it's funny, that I would like to be a great speaker. Especially since I sometimes get scared right to... Red Jello.  Although I have found, once I started speaking for a bit, I'm able to solidify myself enough to enjoy it; immensely. I just love that feeling of being the only one speaking, knowing that everyone else is hanging on to your every word.

 At school when we first started having Orals, I would get all nervous standing up there in front of everyone else... I'd talk all squishy and jumbled...  or I would talk all quiet to the point of the listeners having a tough time hearing.
 I would usually get a 3.5 out of 5... I've always admired my brother on how well he did at public speaking. I aimed to be better, but just couldn't figure out how to draw people in... (Lucky for me) 
At about half way through my High-school life, there was this girl, her name was Kathryn Jensen. I remember when she gave a speech about a cookie and school life, and not withholding that cookie from kids. (I think the cookie represented education?)
I remember the feeling of energy that swelled in me. (A little about my feelings of cookies..  I LOVE THEM! Withholding a cookie is an evil act of war!) I don't remember much of her speech .. in fact right after she gave it I had already forgotten what she had said.. I even turned to my friend Taylor and asked what he thought about her speech? He said he liked it A LOT! Then I asked him (knowing that it would probably make me feel tons better) what was her speech was about? He couldn't answer. Hahaha It's funny that I remember it being so good but not remembering what it was about, besides the cookie part...? She did speak with a confident and a enthusiastic voice....
 Even though I didn't remember it fully... I'm a guy =) the feeling stuck with me. If I needed power in my speech then all I had to do was think about Kathryn's cookie story... BOOM! Instant sugar rush- Thus POWER! It's probably a guy thing.. along the lines of of the old lazy dog that won't get up to chase a darn cat? But putting a steak in front of him they gain a crazy amount of energy begging for the juicy (almost seemingly free) hunk of meat.

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